The works in "Beautiful Catastrophe" were completed over the year of 2012 – a really tough and personally challenging year for me. During this time my painting kept me occupied and helped me work through some of the issues I was facing.
This coincided with an earlier artistic decision to do a series of works that were freer in expression and explored the possibility of using paint to create the work itself. To some extent this happened, but overall there was a lot of planning and deliberate "splashing" to get the effect I wanted. I also had a lot of fun learning to control very wet sloppy paint – it wants to do its own thing of course and knowing how it dries, rotating canvases at the right moment and mixing colours effectively was hugely rewarding.
There is no doubt the works have a connecting theme… of 'big events' perhaps influenced by a turbulent year for me. All of these paintings are inspired by colour – I am a colourist first and a structuralist second. I have described loosely the inspiration for each work because I think it helps give meaning. The viewer can then interpret for themselves.
Exhibited at Farmgate Gallery, Clevedon 8 December 2012 to 8 January 2013